Monday, July 30, 2018

That's What She Said: What the Hell is a Hufflepuff?

If you have been following my blog since at least the beginning of the summer, you will know that I am a Harry Potter fan. You will also know that I am a proud member of the Hufflepuff House, the house that is considered the lamest House, but even J.K. Rowling said it's her favorite House and that everyone should want to be a Hufflepuff (because we are kind and good and loyal and accepting of everyone and that's totally awesome). 

You have also probably heard of Slytherin House, and have heard that it is the House where the Sorting Hat puts all the bad guys. But they get a bad rap, see, because they're really just very resourceful, ambitious, and determined. These are all good things, too. And it seems that I am really drawn to Slytherins as well as to fellow Hufflepuffs, as many of my closest friends fit into those two Houses, including my partner-in-crime over at The Snug Bungalow. In fact, we made cousin Kristin take the Sorting Quiz on our trip to Syracuse, and I was correct in guessing that she would be sorted into Slytherin, and Sarah was really happy to have a new Housemate. Sarah and I are both very proud of our respective Houses, and you could really tell on Friday as we hit up a couple of church sales!

I was so excited to find this purse at Target, and was extra happy to hear Sarah had found hers! Go team!

If the most exciting part of my day was our twin purses, you can see how the treasure hunting portion went for me. So well, in fact, that my Slytherin friend rubbed off on me and I totally forgot to take pictures at the first sale. I found a fun mod 60s dress and a nice loud maxi skirt, and that was it. Sarah bought us both cookies and I didn't even take a picture of that. Blogger fail!

After consuming our cookies, we went off in search of an estate sale that didn't show up on the listing website, but I'd seen a sign on my way to the church. Turns out it wasn't on the website for a good reason.

First, this isn't an estate sale, it's a barn sale. This was a woman selling off inventory, not someone's estate. And nothing was priced and we heard her say "just make me an offer". Nope nope nope. That was enough for us and we headed off to church sale #2.

Well. There was clothing there.

The piles of clothing should not be as tall as me. There may have been some good gems in there. And I tried, I really did. But we'll never really know what might have been hidden further down in that pile, because I did not fancy being buried in an avalanche of clothes. Sarah did find me this gem:

She found me another similar one this winter at The Bins, but it has a general stank to it. Which actually hasn't prevented me from using it, but still. It's all plastic-y, and this one is only lined in plastic. It had some water marks so I washed it when I got home and that helped, but the green dye absolutely jumped out of the fabric when wet. It's fine now that it's dry again, but what if I have a knitting project in there and I'm carrying it and it sprinkles out or something? I'm really nervous about using it now. Sad.

I didn't buy this, but it was cute and reminded me of my Aunt Lorraine, who loved owls.

On to the really important stuff! Lunch and cocktails at Murphy's Law on Webster Bay! Yum!

We worked really hard to get this photo to work out and show the water and everything. And then gave up and this is what you get instead.

For a lovely symmetry to my day, I arrived home to find my new Always bracelet from Alex & Ani had arrived. I don't think I could possibly be nerdier, and I love it.

Since I've been listening to the Potterless podcast on the recommendation of a former beloved (Ravenclaw) student, I'll just end by saying: Wizard On!

Be sure to read Sarah's events of our day at her partner blog!

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And if you love our finds, shop our online stores!

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