Monday, July 2, 2018

Salvo Wednesday: Magic Summer 2018 Begins!

Every school year is busy, but some are busier than others, and this year was one of those. Fortunately, that extra work was its own reward and it was one of the best years, too. In addition to all the usual craziness, I took my kids (71 of them!) to Disney and Universal. It exceeded my wildest expectations and I'm so glad we did it.

However. It kicked my butt. I have rarely been so ready for summer to begin. I have a lot of plans to sit mindlessly in my back yard with my dogs and read a book and do absolutely nothing productive. But don't worry - I also have a lot of Salvoing and estate saling planned as well!

This year's Salvo Wednesday excursions began with one of my favorites - my hometown of Dansville. I met my family and my mother, sister, and niece joined me.

With my amazing new Hufflepuff mug in hand, I was ready for anything. Like these:

My first finds of the day were from my personal favorite era. I'm a sucker for 70s dresses, and I love these floral prints!

Another 70s, but this time in a 70s-does-40s style. It's already had a bath and is going to need some serious steaming (but at present it's 95-feels-like-105 so maybe not today) and then it's going to be gorgeous!

This is either 70s- or 80s-does-50s. I love the bow on the neckline and I CAN NOT EVEN with that pattern. It's blue daisies! I had hoped to keep it for myself but it's a little too large, so it will be available in my Etsy shop sometime this week!

More 70s amazingness! I love the sheer dresses of the time, and the diagonal floral accent. Also coming soon!

This color combination! I'm in love. Another 70s dress win!

I didn't get this, but I think you should all know it's available at the Dansville Salvo, just in case you happen to be a Funcle.

We moved on to the Bath Salvo, which is possibly my favorite one of all time. It's HUGE and I always find good stuff. However, this year it presented two problems. 1, there were no shopping carts available. I waited and waited and no carts. And 2, while waiting, my cold took a turn to my throat's favorite place, in which I cough until I'm crying, gasping for air, and gagging a bit. It's a really attractive combination that I have experienced far too often in my life. I left the store so as not to horrify everyone in it, and came back when I had it (temporarily) under control. As a result, I rushed a bit because I was ready for home at that point. But I still managed to come away with quite a few beauties!

I try to avoid black when I can because I buy too much and it's a pain in the butt to photograph, but sometimes they're too pretty and I just can't help it. Velvet bodice, peplum waist... what's not to love??

The 70s may be my true love but I also have a lot of love left over for the 60s! (although maybe this is more early 70s??)

I also have love enough for the 90s. I would have loved wearing this in high school! Well... maybe middle school. A purple off the shoulder bodice with black lace overlay... heck yes.

For the cheongsam lovers out there, this one is gorgeous. Turquoise blue with dragons embroidered, and a snap neckline. Woo!

A little early-80s secretary action. I love the big bow!

Also probably 60s/70s, as I can picture one of my aunts wearing something very similar, I really bought this because I love the pull thing so much.

I pretty much stuck (with great success) to the one era this trip. A 70s tunic!

This one's going to need a little TLC but fortunately I'm up to the challenge!

I almost died with joy when I found this one. I LOVE skirts with these little animal appliques -pretty much the 70s answer to a 50s poodle skirt. And these snails are kissing! So cute!

I didn't find anything to keep for myself at the first store, but I did find this at the second:

I LOVE the color combination, the fact that it has pockets, and the neckline. However, the back was weird.

What even IS that? An attached cape or something? No thanks.


This one was much more my speed. I love the back of this one, and no weird cape to be seen!

It also has pockets and the top is purple flowers and the bottom is green leaves! So cute!!

I do love blue and coral together, and especially in this comfy knit material. Perfect back yard dress! Jump on this lap all you want, pups!

All in all, a great haul for the first day of Magic Summer treasure hunting!

Happy Magic Summer to all of us!

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