Tuesday, July 3, 2018

That's What She Said: Let's Make It Permanent

It's that wonderful time of year again! It's time for Ann & Sarah, a team for longer than we will admit, to hit the streets of Rochester looking for treasures, and then to sit down and tell you about our adventures from both points of view. Lucky you - the same treasure-hunting adventures twice!

This year we didn't have any estate sales that caught our interest for our first week of Magic Summer. There were a couple of church sales listed, but one looked boring, so we headed to the second sale. Important note: when heading to church sales, it is helpful to check the DATE of said sale. We pulled into the parking lot to discover that we were the only ones there. We missed the sale by a week and it was 100% my fault. Hey, when one is excited about summer one can't be expected to pay attention to petty details like the date!

So we headed off to a neighborhood sale that we'd gone to last year but eventually got rained out. This year there was nothing but sun in the sky!

You might note that I'm wearing my new tropical/sarong print dress. It made me think strongly of Rachel's dress on Friends when I found it, and I can literally date my obsession with sundresses to the date that episode (TOW At the Beach) aired.

We found a very few things aside from sunshine at these sales...

I thought my husband might want these. He didn't. I got the watering can anyway, and guess what he's been using nonstop?

And that was it for the neighborhood sales. We had a little while to kill until a reasonable lunch time, so like any sensible human beings, we stopped for ice cream.

If you aren't from Rochester and are ever in the area, be sure to try some Abbott's ice cream. We recommend the pistachio!

Our first week out didn't net us many treasures, but I had gotten a head start on it the day before. On my way from my doctor's office (because obviously I got a cold at the beginning of summer AGAIN) to Target, I happened upon a Thursday estate sale. That estate sale was a digger for sure:


Whoa (but nice, helpful lady from the estate sale company)!

I half-heartedly dug through that before giving up. Because that's just a pile of crap.

But I did find some gems!

A Miss Piggy that Sarah actually didn't have! I feel so triumphant every time that happens!

This beauty was buried in a box of children's "dance costumes". She's already had a bath and is looking brighter and absolutely stunning and will be in my Etsy shop in the very near future!

I didn't find this at the estate sale, but I DID find a copy of the Deathly Hallows. I was actually planning to stop at Barnes & Noble immediately after this stop because I was going to use a gift card to replace my missing copy. I lent it to someone after finishing it about a week after it came out (because obviously I finished reading it in about 24 hours) and never got it back. I wanted a full set but was bummed that it wasn't going to be the first printing anymore like my original. Then I found it at the estate sale and it WAS! HOORAY! I celebrated by buying myself a Hufflepuff mug at Target (they have all the houses for only $5, you should totally go get one!)

Anyhow, Sarah and I had been planning for ages to have lunch at the Beer Park. It's a new restaurant in Rochester and my friend Ben is the executive chef. It turns out to be amazing, especially for vintage-lovers!

Ben calls it "5-star picnic food" and he is SO right. It's delicious and amazing! And every detail of the decor is perfect. I couldn't stop oohing and aahing at every little thing!

After eating, it was time for the real high point of my day. I've always wanted a tattoo, but I've never been able to settle on one particular design. After my recent trip to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, though, my temporary tattoo was so much fun that I couldn't get it out of my head. So Sarah designed my tattoo, I made an appointment, and off we went to Love Hate Tattoo!

OK, this sign is hilarious/amazing.

At the parlor!

The finished product! For those of you not in the know, this is the Hufflepuff badger. We put a wand in his hand and the stars coming out of it are the stars on every page of every Harry Potter book. I had some anxiety about having this as a teacher, but I am honestly looking forward to explaining to kids that ask that it's the Hufflepuff badger which means (besides I love Harry Potter) that I believe in being true, loyal, honest, and accepting of everyone.

I can't think of a more important thing to tell them.

Don't forget to read Sarah's partner blog at the Snug Bungalow here!

Our days of joint estate sales are just starting, so be sure to keep an eye on our Instagram accounts!

And find us on Etsy!

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