Sunday, August 27, 2017

That's What She Said: #9 Trying to Get It All In Before It's Over

Sarah and I have been blogging our joint estate/church/yard saling adventures all summer this year. There have been some highs and some lows, although which counts as which will differ depending on which of us you ask. The summer is starting to wind down, so there was no time to lose! We attended a mad cap number of sales this week!

The first sale lured me in with a picture of a gorgeous peach beaded 1920s flapper dress. I've only found one actual 20s dress in all my adventures so far, and I was really excited to find another. Of course, I was suspicious of what seemed to be a flap of fabric hanging down. We headed out for the sale, and ran into a friend from Instagram!

Which is why you see three numbers here instead of the usual two. Sarah and I got in on the first round and left Heidi behind. 

I found the dress immediately, and was so upset by what I found that I didn't even think to take pictures. It was in tatters. Rips and tears throughout the entire thing. And they still wanted $18 for it. I haven't paid that for one dress all summer, and I certainly wasn't going to start with one that was unwearable and unrepairable. There were also all these dresses, all of which I left behind for various-but-mostly-high-prices-related reasons.

I guess if they figure a tattered 20s dress is worth $18, everything that is in one piece must be worth much, much more. I did buy one. It fits, and it's gorgeous, but after a good cleaning I still think it's going to show up in my shop.

I also bought a gorgeous 40s nightie, and it's already in my shop! Check it out here!

The next two sales were run by our favorite company. Both had pictures of clothing in the preview pics, so I was reasonably looking forward to this.

I definitely passed up the coats because a) fur, b) coats take up way too much space to store and c) I am sticking to my rule of only buying things I will be excited to photograph. These do not make the cut. But the chandelier was awful pretty, and I thought you should all get to see it.

There are so many dresses and vintage shoes (see below) in this picture. And this was only one of the closets. I'm really proud of myself for sticking to my rule, because it would have been really easy to come home with a carful of stuff that I would later be unwilling to photograph, and it would just sit in a pile until I either forced myself to do it or gave up and donated it to Goodwill. I am learning. 

Shoes are a rabbit hole I can't go down (especially since I suspect modern shoes are much more comfortable and that's important to my feet) but oh, look at them. I think that we have some from the 40s and I think the pair furthest to the right might even be older. Drool.

I took a picture of this box before going through it because I had a reasonable suspicion that a bunch would be coming home with me... and they did! I really am falling for vintage slips and nighties this year. I wish I could wear vintage nighties myself, but when you sleep with 3 dogs, it's not really sensible. Slips are a different matter, though, and I have a little collection that will likely be worn a lot this school year!

All of these are going to wind up in my shop! I didn't photograph the slip that I'm keeping for myself.

As I looked through the clothing/purses/linens/etc in the bedroom, I started to notice a trend. An awful lot of these still had the original tags on them.

This was on a dress that I bought.

And this amazing mod tag was on a dress that I didn't buy.

I didn't buy any of these, but you can see the trend. I started to feel really sad for all these wonderful things that this lady never got around to using. There were plenty of items with decided signs of wear, but she definitely bought a lot of things and then never touched them. I hope they all wound up in happy homes as a result of this sale!

The next sale also had pics of racks of clothing. I went upstairs as per usual, and found very little except a jaw-dropping master suite. This bedroom has a fireplace and is pretty much the size of one entire floor of my house.

I want a fireplace!

Oh yes, that's a jacuzzi. This is part of the master suite.

And the part I am most jealous of was of course the walk-in closet. You could be in the closet and watch the fireplace at the same time. Want.

While I was wandering around the upstairs being overwhelmed by the house but underwhelmed by the clothing, Sarah texted me a pic of this beauty:

She needs some TLC and anything velvet makes me a little nervous to work with, but it was too beautiful to pass up. She'll be in my shop in the near future!

We headed to the basement and found the missing racks of clothing. 

They were very helpfully labeled.

Oh, it's vintage, you say? Sought after on eBay, you say? Well sign me up! Except wait, no. It's loud and costume-y and I don't really want it. Sorry, Mr. Post-it note. You make a good case but I'm going to have to pass.

Now, while I didn't need the helpful label, this time I did listen to the Post-it Note and bought this slip. Because, I mean:

Just too pretty! And I have it on good authority that it's vintage.

Just one last pic of this house... I love a good winding staircase!

Since 3 sales in one week wasn't quite enough, we moved on to a church sale. I'd passed the sign while running for the last couple weeks. Since Sarah sure does love a good church sale, we stopped in.

The smiley face makes you really feel good about finding the right entrance.

Now, I didn't find much at this sale (Sarah did though, so be sure to check out her blog!) but they still had a good amount of stuff!

I did take home a couple of new gnomes for our gnome sanctuary. We're really hoping that they can break the curse that our crazy neighbors put on our new yard (that tale is coming soon)!!

We wanted to eat at a new restaurant by the bay, but it didn't open for another half hour, so we killed a little time at a neighborhood Goodwill.

After all, we'd totally failed at remembering to take our pre-sale selfies AGAIN, so better late than never!

Once again, I didn't find much aside from the red shoes you can see in the trunk shot below, but Sarah found something to be excited about!

Not as huge as last week's haul, but still quite a bit of treasure! 

If  anyone is in our area, we highly recommend Murphy's Law on Empire Blvd! A good, affordable menu and a great view!

I only have one more week of estate saling adventures to go this summer, and only one more Salvo Wednesday thanks to an uncooperative car. Fingers crossed that we go out on a high note! In the meantime, I have to go. Someone thinks I've been typing away quite long enough, thank you very much. There are tummies to be rubbed.

As  always, check us out on Instagram:

And on Etsy!

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