Thursday, June 30, 2016

Salvo Wednesday Road Trip: I Think I Bought Out Syracuse

I think it was 6 years ago that one of my students told me about the Salvation Army in Syracuse and how huge it was. It took me four years to get there, but she wasn't kidding. And I'm pretty sure I brought 90% of the contents of the stores home with me.

After the first stop, we both had respectable piles of stuff, and we thought it was a good idea (which it obviously was) to pose with our favorite find. It wasn't really cold enough to require a scarf, so that was her find. Mine is a Brooks Brothers vintage skirt with an amazing novelty golfing print.

That's the wall of dresses. If you can tell, it goes around the corner. I didn't have the time or patience to look at much beyond the dresses in this one. Because wall. Of. Dresses.

And this is what the bag of goodies looked like in the car. This is when I started to get slightly alarmed. My house was built in the 1920s and it has the closet and storage space of that time. It's a problem when you're the kind of girl who needs a walk in closet just for her dresses. It certainly doesn't have room for the totes and bins required to store all my amazing vintage inventory, and I've already filled up the bins I did make room for. I literally don't know where this is going. First, it went here:

Just bags and bags of vintage joy, sitting there without a home.

After I pulled everything out, removed tags, and sorted it on the bed, this is what it looked like:

I don't think that you can really properly see just how tall the stack of dresses is. I'll fill you in: it's tall. 

A lot of this is for my new shop, but some of it was just for me!

I love the summery floral print on this, and come on. Pockets!!!!!

I'm obsessed with maxi dresses.  If you've read my blog before, you already knew this. If you've ever worn one, you wouldn't be surprised, because you're probably obsessed with them too. They're the perfect solution to Rochester weather. They cover your legs for warmth when it's cold, and then 2 seconds later, when it's warm again, you still get a good breeze and if you're sitting, you can just pull it up on your lap. And THIS one is made of that stretchy, jammies-type material. Adorable and snuggly.

I never used to like floral prints but I'm really digging them lately. Cute little baby doll dress with a little flounce on the hem!!

Another cute little dress with dots (I think there's too many for them to count as polka dots) and again, POCKETS. I've said it once and I'll say it again: all dresses should have pockets. It should be a law.

Another maxi dress, and I'm helpfully pointing out the best part! I love the darker color accent on the hem. Maxis!! <3

I was on the fence about this from the front. I mean, it's a maxi dress and it is my favorite shade of blue, but, well, hmm....

.....and then I turned around and looked at the back. Yup. This one's a keeper!

This last dress I'm on the fence about keeping. It's ridiculously cute, and I love it on me. And while I CAN breathe in it, it's not completely comfortable. It would be more comfortable if I rid myself of about 5-10 pounds that I'm really fond of. I suspect I'll wear it once to one short and fabulous event, and then list it on my Etsy shop. That's the great thing about vintage clothes... they're not getting any less vintage!

If you're wondering what the slightly terrified expression is about, it's not about the adorable dress.  It's about the pile of vintage items that were still left on the bed. It's amazing how you can be equal parts giddy over your find and overwhelmed by the amazing finds. I mean, there was still this much left at this point:


And yes, that is a Puffalump back in the corner.

In the end, the road trip was a huge success, and we have agreed it's worth a yearly expedition. Dresses! Hats! Purses! Puffalumps!!! Vintage delights!

My husband is just going to have to get used to the idea of living in a house with mazes of totes.

And to conclude, a bonus photo of the world's cutest dog. Happy summer!

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