Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Estate/Yard Saling Fridays, Day 1!

My summer vacation "officially" started this last Friday. By that I mean that Thursday was the last day of the school year that we were contractually obligated to attend. But graduation was Friday night, which as a music teacher, I attend yearly since the senior choir members sing. And Sunday my select choir sang the National Anthem at a local baseball game. So every time I said that Friday was my first day of summer vacation, I really felt like I ought to be using air quotes.

I also broke the cardinal rule of the beginning of summer break and set an alarm for pretty close to my normal time in order to meet my friend at her Snug Bungalow bright and early to go to my first estate sale (in a long, long time, anyway). 


There was a long line and a reeeealllyyy annoying man who kept complaining about the wait to get in (he was trying to make a joke out of it but failed. We got it, dude. You want in. We all do. Now shut it and let me enjoy the sunshine). 

We didn't find much, but I did find these super fun pink heels for me and an Echo scarf for my new Etsy shop!

After the estate sale, we moved on to neighborhood yard sales. There were two in Greece (on the very opposite side of our small city) and we got a few good things for our pages. Oh, and we met this guy:

Pierre, the French bulldog who stole my heart

Pretty orange dress for me, only 50 cents! Pretty sure the previous owner was a 12 year old girl... go me?

80s wooden sailboat earrings!

80s plastic button earrings!

Crazy golden fan earrings!

4th of July earrings!

 OK, this guy seems horribly ugly to me, but Sarah insisted that I look up this designer and apparently people go nuts for this stuff.  I said it looks like A Different World. I guess we each have our own flavor of crazy.

I can't resist sequins and beads.  So sparkly and pretty and happy! I think I might just be keeping this one. Maybe.

I love buying 80s toys. It feels so nostalgic, and I mean maybe even more for the college years where Sarah and I did this nonstop than for the 80s when we actually played with these. Smurfette!!

I showed this to an alum who was definitely not a child of the 80s and she was horrified. "It's supposed to be a baby? Then why does it have FUR?!?" She's kind of got a point, but man, did I love Hugga Bunch dolls when I was a kid!

ALF! Because... ALF! Who doesn't love crazy aliens who like to eat cats?

I didn't find much in the way of dresses, and that's always my favorite, but it was a great start anyway. And guess what tomorrow is?!? #salvowednesday