Thursday, February 23, 2012

Salvo Wednesday - February Break!!

Every year, about 3 weeks prior to our school musical (always an event that I am extremely proud of, and also extremely exhausted by), we are blessed by a week of vacation. Now, I love vacation in general, although obviously summer is the highest form of this, but I think we can all agree that vacation of any kind is a welcome thing. This one is always especially welcome, however, after a couple of months of a crazy rehearsal schedule. We spend hours and hours together, and the kids get sick, and I get sick, and we pass it back and forth and make each other generally miserable (this year, I had three different illnesses right in a row). So when this break happens, we have a much-needed chance to get healthy. Then I usually have a healthy cast for the show.

Of course, I also welcome the chance to go to the Salvo on a Wednesday! I took a break from my resting, running and house organization (eek) to hit a couple of neighborhood Salvos. As has become my habit this year, I started in Henrietta.

$4.50, H&M
I always love finding dresses the most, especially cozy knit wrap ones with fun patterns!!

$2, Miley Cyrus
Don't judge me for the brand. I loved the shirt despite its humiliating origins.

$1, Old Navy
 An adorable shirt for a dollar? Couldn't resist. Too bad they decided to staple the tag directly to the fabric instead of the tag again - and this was a delicate fabric, so despite my careful removal procedure, there's a couple of little holes. :(

$1, Eastern Mountain Sports
 Made entirely from recycled materials, a nice basic, simple shirt, one dollar? Man, I love getting things for a buck.

$4, Ann Taylor Loft
 Cute, simple, comfy. Yes.

$1.50, AB Studio
 This is going to look so cute with a brown pencil skirt and brown Mary Janes!

$2.50, Express
 Express. $2.50. Enough said.

$3, Mossimo
This is probably my favorite find of the day. New concert shoes!!!!

Next step in the day, Greece Salvo. It used to be the first step but it's gotten bumped by Henrietta, which has the dual advantage of usually having better stuff and also NOT requiring me to drive on 104 all the way there. Ugh.

$2.00, Take Out

$2.50, Converse One Star

So, two cute things, but not nearly as good a hit as Henrietta. By the end, I had a migraine, so I skipped Irondequoit.

I also made a couple of quick stops earlier in the week, so I'll share those with you as well, mostly to torture Sarah, who is surely going to want to steal this from me:

Got this little number at Goodwill. It obviously cost more than anything at the Salvation Army (of course), but ohhhhhh it's so cute. I can't wait to wear this in summer! 

Eight dollars. EIGHT dollars. VOA overpriced Goodwill! For shame, VOA. For shame. Still didn't keep me from taking it home with me, but how can I enjoy it as much as my $1 recycled shirt, even if it is a dress?

One more break coming up this school year - so expect another post in April!

Incidentally, if anyone in the Rochester area wants to see an outstanding high school production of Guys and Dolls, come see us in Marion on March 9th (8pm) and 10th (2pm and 8pm). Tickets cost $8 and will be on sale next week. And I'm not kidding... this show is going to be outstanding. I love these kids and they are just so stinking talented. I'll have to wear my new black shoes to play in the pit!

1 comment:

  1. You were right. I actually want BOTH of your high-ticket dresses. Don't be ashamed of Hannah Montana. I have a few of her things and they fit right nice!
