Friday, November 25, 2011

Salvo Wednesday, Thanksgiving Edition!

I had my first Wednesday of the school year off, so of course I took the opportunity to hit up a couple of area Salvation Armies for half-off Wednesday!! I started at Henrietta, and even though I was in a hurry (didn't even take the time to try these on!), I did pretty well if I do say so myself.

Wet Seal, $3
 It's that time of year, folks. Despite how beautifully warm this fall has been, I've already started realizing how woefully few sweaters I have. This one doesn't make me hate it, so it had to come home with me!

IZ Byer California, $4
 Finding a dress is always my favorite! Obviously this one needs a belt.. poor lonely belt hole!

Covington, $1.50
I love how drape-y shirts are in this year. Not the suck-it-in skin-tight shirts of the last few years. It's flattering on everybody, and the materials they're made from feel amazing. Love this one!

Mossimo, $2.50
 I always have a hard time with stripes. I see them, love them, buy them, and then never wear them. It doesn't help that Greg was in the room when I tried this one on and called it "fashionable prison wear". I am going to wear it! I am!

Bedo Femme, $2
 I love the shiny part around the neck. Of course, when Greg saw it, he said it was a great shirt except for the "shiny junk." *sigh*

Old Navy, $1
 I never have enough black tops to go with all my fabulous skirts, so at $1, how could I resist?

I had to leave the Henrietta Salvo quickly for an eye appointment, but afterwards, I still had time and energy for a little more. I took myself to the Greece Salvo. In general, I didn't find as much there, but they are more likely to put the price tags onto the shirt tag instead of on the material of the shirt itself, so they get two thumbs up from me.

Ann Taylor Loft, $1.50

Apt 9, $2
Can't wait to wear this tucked in to a black pencil skirt!! If you can't tell, it's polka dots!

MKM Designs, $2
I saw this one on the reshop rack after I tried on everything else (and rejected most of it). Didn't bother to fight for the dressing room again... just took it home, where it belonged.

Claiborne, $2
I'm sure you can't tell, but this is ribbed sweater material. I found one like it at the Henrietta store, and was so disappointed that it wasn't in my size. I was SO surprised and pleased to find it again, but in the right size this time! Can't wait to wear this with sweater tights when winter decides to do its worst.

However... it's clearly not happening yet. Thanksgiving was nearly 60 degrees and sunny. I got to run the Turkey Trot in sunshine and near-warmth, and then Greg grilled turkey and we ate it... OUTSIDE. It made me giddy with joy, and I've warned him that he probably won't hear the end of it for the rest of our lives. "Remember the year we got to eat outside on Thanksgiving?!?"

I will see you all again after my next Wednesday off... Christmas break!

1 comment:

  1. A: If you don't end up wearing the stripes sweater I call dibs.

    B: I'm stealing the dress.
